Community Specific Advertising
Target your ads to only Washington State communities you serve.
Featured Listings
Get noticed by being a featured business on our Services page in your community.
Special Event Listings
Enter your business or community events into our Washington State Events Calendar. Featured slider spots available as well!
Blog Posts
Publish a custom blog post on our site about your business and the community it serves.
Display Ads
Display your advertisement on our sidebar. Traffic comes to the article, video or image...we display your ad.
No Contracts
You don't sign any contracts and can cancel anytime.

Ad Setup (FREE)
Blog Post (FREE)
1 Year Photo Contest Sponsor
Link and Description on "Services" Page (FREE)
No Contracts (Cancel Anytime)
Free Tracking (Impressions and Clicks)

Ad Setup (FREE)
Blog Post (FREE)
1 Year Photo Contest Sponsor
Link and Description on "Services" Page (FREE)
No Contracts (Cancel Anytime)
Free Tracking (Impressions and Clicks)

Ad Setup (FREE)
Blog Post (FREE)
1 Year Photo Contest Sponsor
Link and Description on "Services" Page (FREE)
No Contracts (Cancel Anytime)
Free Tracking (Impressions and Clicks)
One Month Free. No Contracts. Send Us Your Logo Or Artwork and We Do The Rest!
Phone: 253-444-0123
Email: jonathan@explorewashingtonstate.com
Advertise with T212 Media
As a young, fast-growing company, we provide you a unique and affordable advertising opportunity in Washington State that is simple to setup, no risk to you, and delivers measurable results.
Step 1
Choose a package above that makes sense for your business. Signing up annually saves you the most money, but obviously ties down your finances a little more initially.
Step 2
Gather your logo, branding and any other ad examples you already have. We'll use this to help create your ad. Or you can provide us a square ad that you've designed. Please make it at least 400px x 400px.
Step 3
Contact us to get the ball rolling. Use the contact form below for fastest results. We'll set you up on the site with one free month and then send you an email invoice for your first charge after a full 30 days of free advertising.
How to Get 30 Days of Free Online Advertising For Your Business
Since we're a fairly new website, we're offering really good rates on advertising. That's because we believe that YOU, local businesses are key to helping us accurately represent your local community and help us get the word out about this project. In exchange for signing up for a free trial, we are currently offering the following:
- 125px by 125px ad for a month on specific [insert your community name here] pages and posts - FREE
- Ad setup done by us (you just choose a template and provide any logo’s, etc…) - FREE
- Blog post (written by you) about your community and business – FREE
- Photo Contest Sponsor - You become an automatic sponsor of our Photo Contests, which have generated up to 1000 visitors a day! - FREE
- Discount after 1 month: Continue advertising for one year at 50% off regular rates – Regular Rate = $39.95/ month - Discounted rate = $19.95/month
- Cancel anytime with no fee’s, month to month commitment, we will NOT CHARGE YOUR credit card until we contact you after 1 month and confirm that you want to continue advertising.
- Free Tracking: We track your ads impressions and clicks. We can also switch out ad designs so you can split test what works best (may be extra charge depending on the work involved).
Your ad would appear in a group like this on our sidebar (this is the actual size of two ads):
We will customize the color or picture in the background and use any custom font that you want. We take care of all the setup, publishing and maintenance. You can also give us your own design as well.
IMPORTANT: We don't know how long we'll be offering these discounted prices. That's not a sales gimmick to get you to rush to a decision, just the truth. We know we'll be raising our prices at some point in the future, but we aren't sure when. If you act now, you can lock in these savings for a whole year.
If I told you that you could get 30 days of free advertising for your business with absolutely no risks or contracts, would you do it?
Hopefully that doesn’t sound too crazy to you, because it’s 100% possible. If you’re even a little bit intrigued, would you give me just a few paragraphs below to explain exactly how this works?
First, a little background…
What does ExploreWashingtonState.com do, and how does it relate to YOUR business?
T212 Media created this website in the spring of 2017 to give valuable information to people moving to a community in Washington state.
We have researched and created content for many local Washington communities and as of early November have over 6500 followers on Facebook and at times have had over 1000 visitors on the site in one day!
So how can you get in on this?...
What To Do Next...
Hopefully I’ve made it clear that we really want to go above and beyond with this offer, but I realize you might still have questions. If you do, please email me back and I’d be happy to explain anything that isn’t clear.
No questions? Ready to get the ball rolling?
Simply fill out the contact form below...
I will get right back to you on how to go through each of the 3 steps outlined above and we can get your ad up and running on the website and being shown to people interested in your community for 30 days at no cost to you other than 15 minutes of prep work.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!
Jonathan Phillips
Marketing Director
P.S. If you look at our website, you might notice some bigger ads. These are 275px x 275px and give a lot more room to expand your message to potential clients. If you want one of these, we are also offering a discount on these…contact me for more details.
P.P.S. A couple of extra “fine print” details: 1) We will not endorse any kind of over-the-top salesy blog posts. When writing about your business, we ask that you keep it factual, helpful and informative. You can certainly mention what you offer, but we would not recommend mentioning the “latest sale” or something like that. We reserve the right to edit any content you give to us, and publish it after your approval of the final draft. 2) We also reserve the right to take down the content at any time. 3) We will only use “no-follow” links on your ad and any links in you blog post. This ensures that we abide by Google’s standards and that we are serving our readers appropriately. People will still be able to follow your link, but search engines will not. 4) If you republish the post on your site and link to us, that is fine, but we ask that you include an rel-canonical tag pointing back to our article. If you don’t know how to do this, we would be happy to help you.
Contact Us
Use the contact form below to let us know if you are interested and we'll get back to you promptly.
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Don't see your city and want it listed? Want to list your business or event? Reach out to us! We have programs available to partner with you for free advertising in exchange for your valuable insight and content about local Washington State communities.
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