T212 Media exists to help reduce marketing headaches. Think of us as the Aspirin for your small business marketing. Although many business owners realize the need to market their business effectively in order to grow, many get caught in a tangled web of website code, software subscriptions, unusable collateral and a blog written by their employee's grandson. (Who might write a fine blog post!)

You've probably heard people telling you that, "You need to be doing Facebook Ads!" or "Video is going to be the next big thing!". But if you've ever tried to shoot a quality video for YouTube, or to promote your business online through a fancy website, you've probably found that it's usually not as easy as many of the experts claim it is. That's where we come in...

T212 Media exists to reduce marketing headaches and help you grow your small business.

T212 Media not only has the experience to assist you with video advertising, content creation, building websites, direct marketing and more - we also have grown a loyal following of people in Washington State who are looking for information, products or services that your business might provide. Through developing our in-house brand of Explore Washington State, we have developed a platform where you can easily and quickly get up and running with web advertising, at very low casts and with very little headaches.

We have the experience to assist you with video advertising, content creation, building websites, direct marketing and more...

Find out more about T212 Media Services or Contact Us. We look forward to working with you!

Our Team

Scott Cowan Picture

Scott Cowan

Founder & CEO

A lifelong resident of Washington who grew up in Tacoma, and spent his six freshman years attending CWU in Ellensburg, Scott’s professional life was spent in Olympia, Seattle and Tacoma.

Deciding that the traffic on the west side was too much, Scott moved with his family to Wenatchee where they are settling in and finding that there is life after the daily commute. 

With a passion for good caffeine, hard ciders, and pizza along with the scenic beauty of Washington State you will find Scott out and about in Washington State looking for that next magical cup of coffee.

MacKenzie Picture

MacKenzie Passegger

Social Media Maven

MacKenzie Passegger is the face behind our various social media accounts, and also routinely writes articles on our blogs (that you’re hopefully enjoying). She's a Washington state native who found herself settling in Austria after bouncing around Europe.

When her toddler isn’t keeping her on her toes, she enjoys cooking, craft beer & traveling back home. Being away from Washington allows her to have a different perspective and has deepened her love for the Evergreen State.